Boris Bernhardt

Principal Investigator
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My research combines structural and functional brain imaging with statistical and network-level analysis to study healthy and diseased populations.

We combine these imaging techniques with comprehensive behavioural phenotyping to identify brain substrates underlying individual differences in cognition and affect.

In neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders, we develop in-vivo methodologies to profile individual patients and to predict future disease trajectories and clinically relevant outcomes prospectively.


Topographic principles of cortical fluid-attenuated inversion recovery signal in temporal lobe epilepsy

Neurodegenerative processes in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Clinical, pathological and neuroimaging evidence

Histological and MRI markers of white matter damage in focal epilepsy

Automated Detection of Epileptogenic Cortical Malformations Using Multimodal MRI

The spectrum of structural and functional network alterations in malformations of cortical development

A meta-analysis on progressive atrophy in intractable temporal lobe epilepsy: Time is brain?

Multimodal MRI profiling of focal cortical dysplasia type II

A Surface Patch-Based Segmentation Method for Hippocampal Subfields

The spectrum of structural and functional imaging abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy

The superficial white matter in temporal lobe epilepsy: a key link between structural and functional network disruptions

Whole-brain MRI phenotyping in dysplasia-related frontal lobe epilepsy

In vivo MRI signatures of hippocampal subfield pathology in intractable epilepsy.

MRI-Based Lesion Profiling of Epileptogenic Cortical Malformations

Multi-contrast submillimetric 3 Tesla hippocampal subfield segmentation protocol and dataset

Gray matter structural compromise is equally distributed in left and right temporal lobe epilepsy

Subregional Mesiotemporal Network Topology Is Altered in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Magnetic resonance imaging pattern learning in temporal lobe epilepsy: Classification and prognostics

Functional network alterations and their structural substrate in drug-resistant epilepsy

Automated detection of cortical dysplasia type II in MRI-negative epilepsy

Imaging structural and functional brain networks in temporal lobe epilepsy

Spatial patterns of water diffusion along white matter tracts in temporal lobe epilepsy

Mapping thalamocortical network pathology in temporal lobe epilepsy

Automatic hippocampal segmentation in temporal lobe epilepsy: impact of developmental abnormalities

Graph-theoretical analysis reveals disrupted small-world organization of cortical thickness correlation networks in temporal lobe epilepsy

Advances in imaging for 'cryptogenic' epilepsies

Increased temporolimbic cortical folding complexity in temporal lobe epilepsy

Cortical thickness analysis in temporal lobe epilepsy: reproducibility and relation to outcome

Thalamo-cortical network pathology in idiopathic generalized epilepsy: insights from MRI-based morphometric correlation analysis

Longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of atrophy in pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy

Basal temporal sulcal morphology in healthy controls and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

Mapping limbic network organization in temporal lobe epilepsy using morphometric correlations: insights on the relation between mesiotemporal connectivity and cortical atrophy